It was a blurr of a birthday. Eva came into see me first thing in the morning while it was still dark. We snuggled and sang happy birthday. When we thought it was time, we headed out to wake daddy in the dinning room. Without a light on, Eva found her main present, the hanging house I made her over the last few weeks. She immediately entered the curtains of her new secret hiding place. She had one criticism of the structure, it lacked complete privacy as I'd only hung three curtain panels so she had an entrance. I asked her if she wanted more curtains and she said YES! We read books with daddy for a bit of the morning. Eva's birthday breakfast consisted of WAFFLES and eggs. She was pleased as pudding at the meal. Now it was time to go to school. The entire family got dressed, out the door and entered the world of Hummingbird Preschool.
It was the sweetest birthday ceremony that they perform for all of the birthdays. Eva was given a crown and a cape. Mommy, daddy, and Eli sat with all of her friends in the circle, around the birthday table that had three candles, a baby and little figures that represented all the family and friends that welcomed the baby Eva when she came in to the world. Marlis, the teacher, sang a song and walked Eva around the circle. Eva looked very regal in her position of honor. She was seated amongst our family. Marlis, told of Eva when she was an angle, how she so wanted to be on the earth. One day the angles said she could come to earth to be with her family. As she said and Eva flew to earth, Marlis flashed the match and the sound and light made a real dramatic show that had tears in my eyes. Marlis continued telling Eva about her first year, and lit a candle, how Eva learned to roll over, sit up and crawl. The lit a second candle as she described Eva's second year with her little brother joining her and her new friends at Hummingbird. We finished by eating the gingerbread cake that Eva and I made the day before. The children gobbled the cake and whipping cream and off they all went to continue in their play.
Eva entered the house with daddy encrusted with cookie and icing from the gingerbread man Somerset gave everyone at school. I could see the theme of sweets was going to carry on throughout the day.
Eva and mommy met Somerset and Beth at Lovejoy's Tearoom for a tea. The girls had a fabulous time. They were a bit wild from the exitement of the season and the sugarladened day. At times they were little ladies, sipping their hips-of-rose tea and others they were rolling on the sofa knocking the tea cups over. Beth and I managed to get a few conversations in but were mostly reigning in the girls. We finally released them to run up and down the sidewalk around the tearoom.
The rest of the day was coming down from all of the excitement. Baby Julie and Alision came by with a gift of roses, which was followed by more gift opening and finally a melt down from sugar-crashing. We had thai food with plenty of noodles for my girl.
Eva is such a big girl now and she was the perfect birthday princess.