Things get a bit crazy during the final jump in the crib
A tumble and a giggle
I think E + E like eli's new bed
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Mommy got dizzy just watching the girls go round and round and round and round!
Somerset, Eva and Eli all get a ride in our Saab. There was nothing but giggles this trip to the park.
Eli takes a rest in his new bed while still in the dining room!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Mommy catches Eli sneaking a bite of yogurt after bath time...
He get's every last bite
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Honestly, Eli chose this outfit himself - this photo does not capture the joyous burst of play inspired by the costume. He even wore to the coffe shop on top of his overalls today!
I'm seeing my little guy slip away - so I puchased this adorable swearter-set so I can clad Eli in little boy clothes while I still have the chance.
Eva in one of her many theatrical creations
Eli shows off his new coat which has fishies inside - he loves it so much he carried around like a blanket the first few days.
My journal began as a virtual baby book for my children and has shifted recently to include my daily life as a mother and a woman emerging from the early years of small children. I no longer bemoan my lack of a creative life, on closer observation it is all a creation.