We were lucky to come home to our dear friends Neema and Tim visiting from Vancouver. They kindly picked us up from the airport, though our luggage took an well over 1/2 to arrive. Poor friends had to spend their vacation with the days beginning around 4:30 am when E + E would wake for the day. Art and I did our best to keep them in the back rooms but they were wild with fewer hours sleep. Neema still recalls one of our rough mornings. Unbeknownst to me, N+T were lying in bed listening to a world-class temper tantrum from Eva. I can not remember all the details of the event all I remember is that Eva was banned to her room for a time out of sorts which had her screaming, "You hurt my feelings...." over and over. When we finally started our morning with our guests they were chuckling at the level of drama coming from the back of the house.
We had a great time with N + T, though we a bit tired and there was more tears than usual from our crew. We spent a lovely new years eve as adults, toasting with kir royals, eating delicious Indian takeout, and playing scrabble in teams (the only way I'll play!) I am such a party animal, I was asleep before the end of the game, though Art was able to eek out a win. N + T made a fabulous new years brunch. The photos do not do it justice, the subtle tasts of sweetened lemon juice over the french toast and a yummy citrus salad with yogurt sauce. I tried to recreate this to no avail on our last Tahoe trip.
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