We had a fabulous time with the Benders East. Penelope, Sam, Sarah and Amie arrived on a Friday evening while E + E were asleep. Needless to say there was much excitement when they found their cousins sleeping all snug in the dining room. The "getting aquainted time" was short - in no time they were all laughing and playing. Poor Sarah was not herself for a few days as she was a bit sick. This did not stop her - she would quickly regain her stregnth and hit the ground running. A quick tour of our week follows. ....
While Art, Penelope and Sarah went to meet our Dr. Quock, Amie, Sam, Eva and Eli and I went to the Golden Gate Bridge. We walked all the way to the first span. It had been a while since I'd done this and having children now, I was much more aware of the loud cars roaring by. We stopped to admire the view and watch the surfers off of Fort Point. Amie looked out across the water and said, "we're not in DC anymore...." indeed not.
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