Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A neverland party

Our friends Kyle and Erin had their 5th birthday party in GGP. The theme was never-neverland. Of course it was FREEZING this particular Saturday morning. Eva was so excited about wearing a nightgown as Wendy. After tights, undershirt, turle neck, sweatshirt and sweater, she was ready to go. Eli did not want to go to the party. He refused to wear pj's and did not want to go. I offhand suggested wearing the unicorn costume, Eli's face lit up and off he ran to the closet to grab it. He put it on and was ready to go. 

It was a great party full of song singing, story telling and treasure hunts. You can not be faint-hearted and live in SF - you have to go no matter what the fog brings.....

Artists at work

Playdate with old friend LEON

Leon has been a part of our lives since February 2004. He fits in to our home seemlessly. Now that he lives 3 blocks away, we spend countless hours at either our house or his. 

Palydate with new friends

Eva and Rayna first found each other at KidPower park one Sunday after church. Art and I were lounging around the park after a tasty lunch at Sunflower cafe when Eva befriended Rayna and vice versa. As it turned out we take classes at Acrosports at the same time. Rayna referes to Eva as Diva to her mom all of the time and asked her if we could have a playdate - so over they came. It was instant fun - costumes, bed bouncing and laughs abound. Even little Asha kept her own in the mix of chidren.

Memorial Day

We met a family from preschool for a little picnic on Memorial Day. I'd worked the night before - getting home at 2:30am so I was little tired. A peaceful picnic in Golden Gate Park was a perfect destination. Eli helped by carrying the bulle ball set - ah three feet - he was pretty cute trying though.  The children were all a bit whiny. They finally found a good activity making daisy chains in a distant field. Sophie actually made the chain while the other three gathered the daisies. 

Our car

This year our car saw many a carpools. With the 20 + minute drive across town we got some quality times with buddies. Either Felix (pictured) or Avalon would hop in the extra car seat and off we'd go. Now there were many discussions as E + E entered the Saab - did Eli want to go in the middle, who'd get the doggy seat and so forth. These discussions would get ironed out by the time we'd pick up our guest. 

Friday, June 22, 2007

Field Trip to Slide Ranch

Eva and Eli had their twice yearly visit to Slide Ranch. It was one of those mysteriouly foggy days. The group gathered on the bluff above the Pacific Ocean. The light was ethereal. The children were all happy and actively engaged in the day. We began the morning with circle time as the appointed intructor led the chidren through some activities. The first stop was milking the goats. Our group did not get to milk Hilda, our favorite but Clemintine was quite a beauty. Both E + E did their part. Next stop, the field to meet the newest additions to the farm - the baby goats. The instructors came out with bottles of the milk we gathered and let the children feed the babies. They were so eager and freindly to their surrogate parents. We visited the bees, the chickens and the garden. We ended the day with a nice lunch overlooking the ocean. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Kara + Andrew get married

This was mama's first trip away from both children longer than 24 hours! Grandma Shu Shu and Art held down the fort while I boarded a plane with magazines in hand heading East. I arrived in NY at 10:30pm, greeted by the beautiful mural in the at the baggage claim of the Hudson Valley in autumn. When I went to get my rental car a regular the Avis counter was chatting with the attendant about what car he wanted to try this time. After their negotiations, she asked me what I wanted - meanwhile the gentlemen returned saying asking what else she had to offer. I said I'd take anything, just not too big. She confessed she did not have anything small. The man immediately said take mine, it's small. I said okay and off I went to the lot. I laughed and laughed to see the car waiting for me this is what was waiting for me. I immediately called Art and he googled the car and we both had a chuckle. To make things even funnier I was driving around with Jersey plates!

Anyway, I arrived in Catskill greeted by team Kara + Andrew. I got the tour of their lovely home, settled in to the perfect guest room and slept soundly. Thursday am was blur of errands, cleaning, marriage license, planning - all before Mary + friend and the Simpson/Bonney clan arrived. We ate Thai food, made party favors and visited.

Friday more errands, cleaning, nails, set up, flower arranging, grocery shopping, food prep and then a party. I was too tired to really participate at the party but it was a nice gathering of the first round of guests. I stayed the final two nights in Woodstock with Earl, Bonney, Ellen, John, Emily, Paul et al. We were less then thrilled with the condition and decoration of the place - the Walton's meets nursing home. It made it easier for me to leave Saturday morning by 10:00am to get to the wedding site..

The mood at the site was less then ideal as the caterers were 2 hours late! Poor bride did not need this pressure. Alas they did arrive, the ceremony was wonderful, the party lively and everyone had fun.

I documented the event for the couple. I changed hats after their portraits and became a guest. One margarita was all it took for me to have fun.

Monday, June 04, 2007

From dancing to splashing

Eva has been going ot Shan Ye Phoon dance school for almost a year now. This will soon come to an end. We are not so thrille with the new teacher too much sitting around and suffering from her inability to hold the children's attention and has to discipline instead.

Anyway, while Shu Shu and Uncle Greg were visiting, we all attended Eva's ballet class, then headed to Lake Lagunitas for a hike. We did not make it very far, it was hot and we found a lovely creak to splash and play in.