This was mama's first trip away from both children longer than 24 hours! Grandma Shu Shu and Art held down the fort while I boarded a plane with magazines in hand heading East. I arrived in NY at 10:30pm, greeted by the beautiful mural in the at the baggage claim of the Hudson Valley in autumn. When I went to get my rental car a regular the Avis counter was chatting with the attendant about what car he wanted to try this time. After their negotiations, she asked me what I wanted - meanwhile the gentlemen returned saying asking what else she had to offer. I said I'd take anything, just not too big. She confessed she did not have anything small. The man immediately said take mine, it's small. I said okay and off I went to the lot. I laughed and laughed to see the car waiting for me this is what was waiting for me. I immediately called Art and he googled the car and we both had a chuckle. To make things even funnier I was driving around with Jersey plates!
Anyway, I arrived in Catskill greeted by team Kara + Andrew. I got the tour of their lovely home, settled in to the perfect guest room and slept soundly. Thursday am was blur of errands, cleaning, marriage license, planning - all before Mary + friend and the Simpson/Bonney clan arrived. We ate Thai food, made party favors and visited.
Friday more errands, cleaning, nails, set up, flower arranging, grocery shopping, food prep and then a party. I was too tired to really participate at the party but it was a nice gathering of the first round of guests. I stayed the final two nights in Woodstock with Earl, Bonney, Ellen, John, Emily, Paul et al. We were less then thrilled with the condition and decoration of the place - the Walton's meets nursing home. It made it easier for me to leave Saturday morning by 10:00am to get to the wedding site..
The mood at the site was less then ideal as the caterers were 2 hours late! Poor bride did not need this pressure. Alas they did arrive, the ceremony was wonderful, the party lively and everyone had fun.
I documented the event for the couple. I changed hats after their portraits and became a guest. One margarita was all it took for me to have fun.
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