Easter officially began at 1:30 a.m. when Art came out to find Eva gazing at her basket from the Easter Bunny. After being shooed back to bed, she and Eli were still up while the moon was bright in the sky. Art and I tried to sleep-in but they were making such a racket in their room, I had to get up an hush them. I discovered them sitting on their beds behind their baskets, mouths tainted with chocolate. Eli more guilty than Eva. I let Art sleep in a bit - which is not what usually happens around here (thanks Art). I got so tired reading them stories I returned to bed. I was able to get back to a deep sleep when I dreamed that Eli was sitting on top of me talking to me, I woke with a start and jumped when I heard them outside in the yard, in the dark. Of course, I did this on top of Art as I was still completely asleep when I started to move. I went out the window to find the children running around the yard finding the eggs that Art and hid, (in our bathrobes as we were already in bed when we remembered we'd neglected some of our bunny duties.)
The rest of the morning was about trying to get some nutrition in to and clothes on the bodies. We made it to the end of the pancake breakfast at church, ate more candy, attended service, ate more candy and then hosted the egg hunt which provided more opportunities for candy. Anyone reading this that knows how strict I am about sugar may be reading this in disbelief. I decided that they could, pretty much with in reason, just go for it. Eva seemed a little more tempered with her intake of sugar. On the other hand, Eli's hands were in constant motion unwrapping, keeping pace with his mouth chewing, his movements were jerky and his eyes were bulged a bit and set towards outer space. By the end of day, some loud romping and some sibling fighting, they were ready for bed. Eli finally could not find something important to his sleep, and I can not for the life of me remember what it was, to the point he was walking around the house screaming/crying for over 30 minutes. We sent him to bed unconsoled but finally were victorious in what ever that item was....
The next day, Art came home to be with them as I could not bear for them to be near the candy at the Senior Center. They asked for candy all day and I caught Eli sneaking some here and there. As Eva was more rational with her request, pleading, "but I really do want some candy today mommy, we've had no treats today." I gave her a sympathetic hug and let her know the first day after so much candy is the hardest, every day it will get easier....and it has.
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