We're just at the end of a two week break and I can honestly say that aside from going to Sea Ranch for two nights we did not do much. The children would probably disagree, they loved being at home, eating breakfast at Boogalooz, many playdates with Leon, a few with India and basically loads of free time to just be and do what ever they wish.
One of my favorite days was when I crashed a party hosted by and for parents from the Waldorf nursery program. I spoke with Susan in the morning she said she was going to Jillian's. I then spoke with Julianna and she said she invited herself and encouraged me to do the same. I called Jillian and she was excited about our wanting to make the trek to Mill Valley.
We packed in to the car, stopped by Destination Baking Company to get a dozen hot-cross buns and made our way to Jillian, Troy, Zeb, Cole and Violet's magical house on the hill. This family got out of the city as Cole longed for space, renting this lovely home that was perfectly suited for a crafting day with mama's and kids.
Everyone brought great food and there were eggs to be died with tissue paper and Nora came with a box full of pipe-cleaners, fake flowers and raffia. Eli ran around with Henry, Eva hunkered down and made two beautiful baskets, I drank coffee (which I'm currently off of) and proceeded to pace and talk too much. It was a perfectly fun day.
We made it back to the city in time to get ready for Passover at Naomi, David, Leon, Marcel's home. It was fun sitting around the table with 20 people going through the text, mostly in Hebrew with parts in English and many rowdy songs. The children were a little wild in the beginning waiting for supper. Eva, Eli and Leon ganged-up on a few of the other children especially little Theo. If I had to tell them one more time to let Theo join them on the bunk bed.....anyway, once it all began E + E was so good. They sat and listened and answered all the questions. Later, Tawney and Ann Paige from MWC stopped by. They walked in as we were enjoying dessert and just in time for a round Arak (anise flavored liquor). After 30 minutes I went back and checked on the children and Eli was no where to be found. I started to get a little worried when I called and called his name with no response. I went in to the dining room to find him slouched down on the sofa (which was pulled up to the table) eating piece after piece of mazta brittle. He'd been there for a long time....He was thrilled and could not stop talking about how good it was and quite proud of himself for staying under the radar for so long. I left at 8:45. Evidently Art stayed until Eva, my late bird, said she was tired and wanted to go home.
The children were fine the next day, much to my surprise but boy oh boy the following day was unbelievable. Eli cried all day, Eva was mean as a snake!
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