The beginning of this year Eva and Eli took a dance class at ODC which was about movement and fun. I was a big fan of this class, they came out sweaty and smiling. The one thing that was tough was getting to the Mission for a 4:00 class during rush hour traffic to find parking... we were always sprinting down the sidewalk to get to class on time, not mention the difficulty in dragging two children out of their cozy house at the end of a long week.
I was proud of Eva because we found on the first day that 3 of her best friends from her kindergarten were all in the ballet class across the hall - it was much more structured and formal. I waffled for a day or two trying to drop our class to get her in with her friends but got sensible and kept her where we started. She was such a big girl about it and never complained. Of course as soon as class was over she'd run down the hall to join her buddies.
The next semester everyone was moving over to a small school in Noe Valley for a 2:00 on Monday class. I went with the flow and joined. On the first day, Teacher Kelli handed me a form regarding the RECITAL! arghhhh I did not want to be a part of a recital. This brought back many memories for me. I really never understood the purpose until you were older and could perform a real ballet. Anyway, we stayed and Eva LOVED her dance class. Starting in March all I've heard about is the recital, the costumes, the rules behind stage. Eva was to be a trapeze artist along with 15 other children from three classes. While Shu Shu was visiting she was able to see the dress rehearsal, the great unveiling of the dance. We had Beatrice and India over to get ready for and go the event. Eva was in heaven.
Last Saturday, Art and Eli went to Louie's birthday party. leaving Eva and I to prepare for the big performance, complete with make-up and hair gel. She was so poised and delighted with the day that I almost took back all my dreaded feelings about the event. We went out to Pasta Pomadoro for dinner (all dancers need pizza and ice cream before they squeeze in their costumes!). We turned the corner to James Lick Middle School and yikes - the hoards of parents, dancers and other fans were swarming to the school. I failed to mention that it was at least 90 degrees still at 5:00. I dropped off Eva, met Art, Eli and Leon and we found our seat in the un-airconditioned auditorium for an 1 1/2 performance, that started late. Eva's dance was #13. She was one of the last children on stage and she was giving a piece of her mind to the other dancers, getting them in place. She was so happy on stage. The piece de resistance was when she and India held hands and Zander jumped up and they swung him back and forth.
Eva was pleased as punch. I was so happy for her and so pleased she had the experience of dancing on stage. I do think a diva was born.
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