whew, my lovely friend Nina asked me to make the cupcakes for her husband's birthday. It was not the best time to take on this mission as its the last week of school, pending 5 week trip to VA, house-guests just left, and I was out to midnight last night on a triple couples yoga/dinner date -- but for Nina, anything. She was like a little girl at Art's birthday when she saw and then tasted the caramel cupcakes. She too is from the South and has memories of this delicacy. Thanks to Sydney, I can bake. I've never had a luck with cakes, she turned me on to The Cake Doctor using an organic white cake mix, doctoring it up, adding a homemade caramel icing and voila.
But boy was I draggn' my sorry self through the kitchen today and this evening. I had mixed them up while the children took on another felting project. Eva turned out to be such a help, she filled many of the tiny cups for me. At the end of the process, I was getting crabby and thought I'd loose it when I saw that the batter was all over the pan....these were after all for a party. I snapped out of it and in-turn became very appreciative of her help. After they were in bed, I made the icing and dipped 70 cupcakes, wrapped 'um up and I'm off to watch a movie or read my M.F.K Fischer.
thanks for the dispatch of cupcakes to crissy field. they were gaily gobbled up by giddy children of all ages.