Sunday, September 13, 2009

eva the neighborly neighbor

this afternoon, Eva + Eli went in to the back yard to frolic, I'm pretty sure at the request of a parent as they were running and screaming through the house. i was surfing the web luxuriously on my bed over-hearing snip-its of conversations. after a few times, I realized Eva was chit-chatting with people that were attending an open-house for our neighbors selling their upstairs flat. one conversation went something like this, eva, "so do you like the house?" child replies, "we don't live here." eva, "I know but do you like it? I do." she kept speaking to children off and on. i chuckled to myself when I thought back 10 year ago when we looked this place, one reason I loved it so was when I saw two young girls, about eva's age now chasing around a big lemon tree. anyway, soon eva sounded different to me, I looked out the window and she was up on the top deck of the apartment with the family she liked. I heard her telling them she'd gone through the garage, into the neighbor's yard, over their fence and up the stairs. I told eva not to return this way as the fence was looking a little creaky so i went and retreived her around the block. we ended up chatting with the family who loves the flat and the neigbhor's selling their place, I think Eva has a furture in Real Estate.


  1. That is absolutely adorable!!

  2. Wouldn't it be great if Eva reeled in wonderful new neighbors?!
