Monday, December 14, 2009

7 it is

After a short night for mama, Eva was ready to see what was in store for her at 6 am. She and Eli immidiately sat in their chairs, gazing at the stage. I asked Eva if she was cold, trying to prompt her to opening a very special present (a red vintage velvet cape + muff I got on ebay as a present for her outfit for the Dicken's Fair, more on that later.) I had to prompt her several times, finally I said, "Eva aren't you cold?" she answered a bit stunned, "I'm too excited to be cold, mama."  I gave her the box and with a big grin wipped across her face immediately donned the cape. I performed the play and the day was off to a rapid clip from this point. We had dadda's waffles for breakfast, carried the little ginger bread petit fours to school for her class while wearing her cape, made the requested pasta with bolognese (almost as good as Helen's), was offered Leon's cake from Channakuh party (thanks Naomi!) that I reshaped and iced with a Martha Stewart eggwhite frosting and candy cane sprinkles, entertained two friends with crafting a soft christmas tree stuffie, dinner, cake (complete with Eva's new technique of licking the bottowm of the candle while still lit),and sweet dreams.


  1. oh what a special special day. i am picturing you (not too hard to see that picture!) up into the wee hours setting the stage. i am sure she was one very happy girl that day!

    happy birthday eva!

  2. yes neema - you experienced it for eli's! missed you for this one.
