Saturday, January 16, 2010

my space upgraded

I found at the end of December that our lease on our space was extended and the rent was not going up. You'd have thought I'd been elated to keep the room of my own (+2) but I'd convinced myself that it was not working for me...too far from school, which is true, and mostly it was a pain having to put all of my projects away before leaving, cutting in to my working time which as only an hour often, not to mention the stress thinking I'd left a pin behind on the floor for poor Rowena, a dancer, to step on. Rowena had an idea for us to meet last week and be in the space together. When I arrived, she had coffee in the pot, tasty cheese and crackers and I added a juicy pomelo to the mix and we had honest to goodness girl time.  We sat and just chatted, brainstormed and eventually just did our own thing in the space. Before leaving Ro came up with the BEST idea, she cleaned off a rolling table of Cheryl's, the original inhabitor of the spaces, for me to use as a cutting table. When I arrived on Saturday to work while Art took the children swimming, there the table was rolled over to my corner, it is the perfect solution, demarcating my space while clearing room for Rowena to move. I immediately put some material that I'd got at S.C.R.A.P. around it, hiding all the storage items and went to town's heaven, I cut on the table, use it for ironing and leave my projects out while not there. I go throughout my day now secretly scheming on how I can escape to my space, mid-drive to church, before breakfast...any time I can. .

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