One day we all spent time frolicking on the hillside and venturing in to the woods on the southern end of the property. Mizar gets a lot of exercise running after the ball (though it is not thrown that far to run.)
Our second Christmas morning was fun. We had the traditional Bender mincemeat rolls and many many cookies. The presents were opened with a flury. The energy carried the wee ones through the day. Penelope and I had many laughs thinking about Christmas three years ago with two new infants, Eli 5 weeks and Sarah not much older. We may still be a little sleep deprived but there is not comparision.
Eva, Sam and Bob were the star skaters on the ice while in Charlottesville. Eva was the most determined little skater. Soon after the photo on the right was taken, Eva insisted Bob not help her as she was determined to skate on her own. Eli loved running around the exterior of the rink, cheering on his big sister. Art and I were very proud.
This was a fun day indeed. What we were really doing was biding time for Susan to get a head start on the christmas dinner for the evening. It was wonderful. Mom and Dad, Sey Sey and Bill, The Arlington, SF and North Garden Benders all gathered for an amazing dinner of prime rib, yorkshire pudding, and all the favorites. The evening was not with out drama. Eva pitched a first-class fit before dinner that ended in a stare down in Shu Shu's room. This seemed to resettle her so she could enjoy the rest of the evening. That night Shu Shu joined us in her room for one big slumber party -- the more the merrier.
Penelope was kind enough to give us a ride to Dullas. We got to spend a bit more time with her on the ride which is a rare treat.
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