Pam and Mark always add a grand quality to any holiday. One evening, the children were already in the pj's ready for bed when in came Mark and Pam and kidnapped us for a vanride through Pelham Heights to see the "magical" aka christmas lights. By the end of the trip Eli was snuggled in my arms yawning. Eva, on the other hand, was ready to keep up the tour. We spent a fun afternoon at their house where Pam had a cake carrosell project all ready to go. The children iced and decorated all the pieces to make this hysterical cake. Then there was this amazing game of Anna's where you connet pieces together to make a structure for marbles to travel. When it was time to leave, Eva announced she wanted to stay for dinner there. She was such a big girl. She returned all happy from her time with Mark, Pam and Anna. Of course, we had our bi-annual exursion to Wal-Mart with Pam which is always fun.
Sey Sey is always fun at the holidays bringing fun gifts! Teh big winner this year was the game "Don't Break the Ice." Eva just two days ago said, "Sey Sey gave me chocolate cookies in the kitchen." What more fun than an Aunt that indulges...Grammy and Grandaddy were in great health and spririts. Grammy fixed endless meals for the troups. Grandaddy was his ornery self, playing tricks on the children, trapping them in his legs, chasing them through the house. On the second to the last day, Eva over heard me talking to Grammy and said, "why did you say airport?" I explained we were going home in 4 days. She got really upset and demanded she did not want to leave VA. I must say, the children really feel the love of family and are so content.
We love going to Virginia for the holidays. What was I thinking when we thought we were not going back????
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