This past November, around his birthday, Eli announced he was no longer Eli his name was Pinecone. I regarded his request like any parent would regard child's play, calling him Pinecone for the day. I did notice that Eva was very respectful calling and referring to or tattling on him for weeks with his nom de guerre: Pinecone. One day E + E had a little bit of a cold but they really wanted to go to school on hiking day. I agreed they could go but would pick them up early in the Presidio. I parked just inside of the Presidio Gate and walked through the forest and found them eating lunch at Julias Kahn Playground. I walked with the troops back up to where our car was parked. As the class marched onward, there were little voices calling out, "Bye Pinecone, bye Pinecone." The teacher looked at me and said, "You know he changed his name to Pinecone?" Even his teacher Dagmar humored him a few days. Victoria, her assistant to this day calls him Pinecone.
I told Art this news, he was sitting with Eli and asked him if his name was really Pinecone. Eli replied affirmative. Art delved in further asking, "well don't you have two names like Pinecone Elias or Pinecone Branch?" Eli responded, "Yes, I have two names PINECONE BENDER."
It's been almost 6 months and I still have better results when commanding my son if I call him by his chosen name.
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