I can now write this post because the recipient of the gifts have now both gotten them. After Sameer's, Neema + Tim's guy, had his first birthday, I got photos of a garland Neema made for the celebration. I was in awe and inspired. It took me a while to act on the inspiration but in February I worked on a small garland for Valentine's Day. I did not follow the plan of using the invisible thread and sewed the pieces on to a cotton band - too big. Plus I had made the velvet hearts way to big they became floppy.
I received my birthday gift from Kara - once again, a fabulous - homemade marshmellows and slippers. I've been in no condition to make any thing for anyone the last few years but I was now inspired to make a small garland for Kara/Andrew and the Simpson/Bonney clan. It was so much fun going to Discount Fabric, choosing colors, patterns that did not clash in the very least. I cut out all of the pieces and layed them out on cookie sheets. The fun began when I laid out the patterns on the newly purchased cutting board. I only had 4 patterns to choose from (would chose at least one more next time if not two) so it was fun to make a rhythem. As I worked I decided each group would receive 7 rows of pattern. The sewing took no time at all. I did this at home during they day while the children were at school. It felt so indulgent to sew during the day. It was my own little guilty pleasure.
Once finished I rolled the garland around a board to keep them straight. Of course I could not find my address book for two more weeks but they did indeed get their gifts - K/A's 2 months late and S/B 2 months early.
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