Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

Team Bender had a busy day. Eli did not have class today but lounging around the house was not an option as the house cleaners arrive around 9:00am. We rallied quickly and got out the door without abandon. First stop on our tour, Tyger's diner in Glen Park. Restaurants may be Eva's favorite place to dine but Art and I still have some residual fears left over from dining out in the past. So we always enter these situations a bit timidly. I'm happy to report that it was a successful effort on all accounts - the children sat in their chairs quietly (only one squeal over toast), they ate their breakfast of pancakes slathered in butter/touch of syrup, eggs, toast with jam and bacon.) Being the small city that it is, we ran in to two sets of folks we knew so we even got a bit of socializing in.

On the way to the car we had a bit of a detour as Eli dodged in to the corner store and ran down the aisles. At least I remembered to get water for the day. As we left Eva took off running up Chenery Street but she was no match for her daddio. He swooped that girl right off her feet and but her in the car. Next stop =- TARGET.

Oh my goodness, of all the times for the management to change the entire layout of the store. We were like lost puppies looking for our home - well at least, the toilet paper and laudry detergent. I did have moments of panic thinking this curve ball would never get me out of the store with two happy children. The bonus was the sale on diapers - Art filled the entire cart, except where Eli was sitting. (wish I had the camera). Target did not disappoint - we got in to a lane with an incompetent checker. I loaded up a cart of two overly flourescent bathed children and headed for the Element haven. Whew - just in time and there was no wound that a quick rendition of "Barnyard Dance" could not cure.

Now the real fun began as we got to Ocean Beach. Eli started his fish sound the moment he saw the water. The parking lot was full of euphoric surfers. We splashed and ran and dug and squealed for an hour or so. It was beautiful and the entire beach was filled with happy holiday faces. Eli enjoyed the water like the sand piper that he is. Eva and mommy ran up and down the beach front. The first time Eva got wet and dirty she looked at us and said, "I go to the beach house (we were at ours last week). We explained that we were not at that beach. Art and I laughed thinking what a world this little one has where she thinks we can pop in to a beach house). She got over the fact that the beach was dirty and with in no time, she was laying down face first making sand angels in the wet surf. We made it home with out too many whimpers. We scanned past a religious station on the radio (after I protested the beach music of which I am not too fond) and the choral music had the two children in a trance by the time we made it to Randal Street. We whisked the chilren right in to the back yard for a dunk in the metal tub to remove sand. Leslie was corted by the naked water nymphs at her screen door.

Lunch, naps, snack, playing - the rest of the day as usual.

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