Monday, February 05, 2007

Eva and Dahlia

Eva and Dahlia, a friend from school have become pretty good pals. We ran in them them last week and they grabbed hands and ran away, playing for an hour. This past Friday, Dahlia's mom Amy, had Eva for a playdate. On Sunday we had attending a birthday party at 11:00am for our friend Max at the Zeum a media museum. I left to attend Suzy's babyshower in Napa. Art, the dad with endless patience stayed at the complex until 5:00 pm. I just spoke to Amy saying that I heard they ran in to them at the outdoor playground. Evidently, the meeting was so out of context for the children. Eva went up to Dahlia and said,"Hi are you Dahlia? I'm Eva. I go to your preschool." Dahlia did not quite know what to think either.

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